Sunday, July 1, 2012

The blog that wasn't supposed to exist...

First of all, I love reading blogs, but I've always thought, "I'll never start a blog.  I just don't have anything to write about or share."  Not long after Rob and I started dating, he found out that I followed blogs and said he was just waiting for the day when I would start one.  I told him not to worry because my life was not interesting enough to start a blog.  I should have known better than to say that, because life got a lot more interesting when we started dating, got engaged, then began fixing up his house...soon to be OUR house!  Rob bought a house in November, before we became "official".  It was built in 1949, so it has a lot of character but is also in really good shape.  We've found that a coat or two of paint makes all the difference in the world!  I remember Rob telling me when we were dating and he was showing me his house that he wasn't going to paint anything yet because he would let his future wife decide on paint colors.  Of course I was secretly hoping that would be me.  We've painted several rooms in the house, which has been fun, but our pinterest projects have probably been the most fun.  I think it was January when I introduced Rob to the wonderful world of Pinterest, and I showed him a window coffee table that I thought was super cute.  He made the mistake of telling me, "Oh!  That would be so easy and quick to make!"  Haha...he has gotten himself in trouble by telling me that a few too many times.  That was just the beginning of home improvement/decorating projects.  I've also become a little obsessed with yard sales and thrift stores, so you'll see some of our finds on the blog.  Rob will be sharing his handywork and the occasional soapboxes- whatever strikes his fancy.  I'll try to share a few crafty projects as well as other random posts.  This won't be completely pinterest related, but I guess it will start that way.  Be on the lookout for our next posts on some of our first projects!


  1. Yay! Im excited that you started a blog! I have loved all of your pinterest projects and can't wait to see more. :)

  2. I'm excited as well! Can't wait to read more :)

  3. Goodie, maybe you can share some ideas with me! We are currently fixing up our house. Can't wait to see your crafty ideas!
