Saturday, January 12, 2013

One man's trash...

You know the saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure"?  Well, a few months ago, Rob and I were driving back to our house on the night before trash day and we noticed a large rocking chair on the side of the road.  Yes, we pulled over in the median, and loaded the chair in the back of Rob's car.  When we got it back to the house we realized why it was on the side of the road- one of the rockers was broken and there was a split in the seat of the chair.
Rob did some work on the chair and completely remade the broken rocker and secured the seat.  Now it just needs some paint. :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New wreath for the new year

Rob gets nervous when I have an extended amount of time off work because I tend to raid Hobby Lobby, thrift stores, Target, etc. in the pursuit of new craft ideas.  Well, my latest project was super cheap and fairly easy to make- it was just time-consuming and required lots of hot glue.  I didn't take pictures of the steps along the way because I was afraid it wouldn't turn out like I wanted, so here is a picture of the final product:

If you'd like to make your own you will need:
-hot glue gun
-burlap (I used two different colors)
-card stock or construction paper
-grapevine wreath
-decorative silver berry things (no idea what these are really called)

All of these items can be bought at Hobby Lobby, but check your local thrift store for a grapevine wreath first- I bought mine for $1!  I used my friend's tutorial on how to make burlap rosettes.  (Thanks, Anna!  It worked really well!) I made several rosettes- hot gluing as I circled the burlap around the knot.  Then I glued the rosettes on the wreath after I cut the extra card stock from around them.  Next I just stuck the "silver berry things" into the wreath so that they slid behind the rosettes. I didn't glue them in so that I could switch them out when the seasons change.  I bought the silver berries at Hobby Lobby in the Christmas section after Christmas so they were 66% off, so I think I bought four bunches of them for a total of $1.50.  So there is the finished wreath!  Next project...painting the front door red. :)