Saturday, July 25, 2015

11 Months

I'm so bad at this blogging thing...Quinn is two days away from turning 1 and here I am just now posting her 11 month update!  Oh well, here goes!

Quinn's first word was "da-da".  She loves her daddy!  She gets really excited when he gets home from work and she waves goodbye to him every morning.
She is crawling and getting into everything as well as cruising along furniture.
She "dances" (bounces) to music and loves to be read to...although if the story is long, she flips the pages pretty quickly.
She is becoming a pickier eater.  She still loves fruit though, especially from Pappy's farm!
She still takes two naps that usually last between 1 hour and 1.5 hours each.  She sleeps about 12 hours at night!