Saturday, August 30, 2014

One Month!

Our little one already doesn't seem as little anymore!  Quinn turned one month old Wednesday so I took a few pictures until she let me know that she'd had enough.

 At one month:

  • 8 lbs. 8 oz. (38th percentile)
  • 21 3/4 inches long (87th percentile)
  • head circumference is in the 63rd percentile (these stats were all from her doctor's appointment last week so not exactly month stats)
  • She is much more alert!  She doesn't sleep for very long periods of time during the day, and the past few days she has wanted to be held all the time.  She likes taking naps during the day on Mama or Daddy.  At night she has started to sleep a little longer- she'll sometimes have a 4 1/2 to 5 hour stretch of sleep, but most of the time it's still about every three hours that she wants to eat at night.
  • She loves to bounce.  (I bought an exercise ball about a month before Quinn was born to help with laboring at home, but it has been most useful now!)  If she's not hungry, she'll usually be pacified by being held & bounced on the exercise ball.  Mama & Daddy's backs and arms are getting a work out!
  • She makes funny faces, especially when she's sleeping.  We love watching her gassy smiles. ;)  When she's awake she often furrows her eyebrows and looks a lot like her daddy.
  • Since she was breech, our pediatrician found out the day after she was born that she has hip dysplasia, which means the ball and socket of her hips are not deep set.  She was fitted for a harness when she was about a week old, and she hasn't seemed to mind it at all.  (It was harder on Mama than it was on her.)  She has three more weeks full time in the harness before she'll go to wearing it just during naps and night.
We can't believe how much she's changing!  We love you, Sweet Cheeks!!

" I really one month old already?"

And....this is real life.  She was just done with Mama taking pictures. :)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Quinn Edie Martin has arrived!

I really should update more often, especially seeing that our baby girl will be one month old next week!!  Time really is flying by, and even though the sleepless nights and sometimes fussy hours have been difficult, I don't want to wish the time away.

Here's Quinn's birth story:
I woke up at 2:30 am Sunday, July 27th with contractions.  I figured it was the real thing since I hadn't felt any contractions up until that point in the pregnancy.  I labored at home until about 7:00 am when my contractions were about 4 1/2- 5 minutes apart and were lasting between 45 and 60 seconds.  (Rob was an awesome coach during the whole process!)

We packed up our stuff and drove to Greenville Memorial.  Of course when I laid down on the bed in the triage room my contractions slowed down and weren't as intense.  My doctor checked me and said I was only 2 cm!  Thankfully she didn't send us home but told us to walk around the hospital for at least an hour.  Well, that definitely brought the intensity and frequency back!  When Rob and I got back to the triage room, my doctor checked me again and I was only 3 cm dilated and 90 % effaced...needless to say I was disheartened since I thought surely I was dilated more than that.  She went ahead and admitted me to labor and delivery and I received an epidural at about 11:00.
I progressed to 8 cm by about 3:30 pm.  This time when my doctor checked me, she said, "Uh oh, that doesn't feel right."  Um, not what you want to hear!  She realized that Quinn was breech, so proceeded to tell me that I'd be having a c-section.  At the time I was just glad that we'd be meeting our daughter very soon.  
Quinn Edie Martin was born at 4:15 pm, weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long.  "Quinn" is from my grandmother's maiden name (My dad's mom, Granny), and "Edie" is from Rob's grandmother's nickname in high school (his dad's mom).  We are in love and thank God for this beautiful gift!