Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Quinn's nursery

We're less than one week away from Quinn's due date so I thought I'd share some pictures of her nursery, which is ready and waiting for her!  I always have fun decorating the house, even if it means rearranging a few things, but this has been especially fun!  Summer has been a great time to work on a few little projects for the room, and I also have some very talented friends who have made special things for Quinn's room.
Wreath and button "Q" on canvas made by my friend, Rachel.

The glider was one of the first things we bought for the nursery- a Craigslist find!  Rob and I both agreed we wanted to try to keep the nursery neutral so that we could use it again without repainting so we decided on yellow and mint green...well, I decided and Rob was fine with it. ;)

The silver rattle was Quinn's Nona's when she was a baby (Rob's mom).
Needless to say, Quinn has already been given plenty of bows and headbands!

I love children's books- can't wait to read to Quinn!  She was also given several sweet handmade burp cloths, this one from Rebekah.

 Let's just say, I never thought I'd get into the whole "girly girl" thing, but the necklaces, bracelets, & bows are just too cute! 

My big project for the nursery was making these Peter Rabbit pallet paintings.  I got the idea from Etsy, traced print-outs onto the pallet wood, and painted in the lines.  It was pretty time consuming so I won't be doing this again anytime soon.

The bumper pads, crib skirt, and quilt were made by Mrs. Fowler, a kind friend from school.  She is the same one who altered my wedding dress.  Rachel Wetzel made the pink and green elephant, and you can check out her etsy shop if you're interested in something similar- it also goes to helping them adopt!

My sister-in-law, Heather, made this cute banner!  We can't wait to meet our little girl and to introduce her to her wonderful family and friends!


  1. So sweet! Love all the personal touches :) Can't wait to meet her!

  2. Elizabeth, everything looks so good! Y'all did a great job :)
