Thursday, June 27, 2013

A project and a find

Here's the project (a purse/coat rack):
We found the piece of wood in our neighborhood (someone else's trash) and I bought the different drawer pulls at Hobby Lobby.  Rob built the shelf a while back, but we just now got around to hanging them up in our empty space behind the front door.

And here's our find (an old upright piano):
We had been looking for a piano on Craigslist but couldn't find exactly what we were looking for or the right price.  I stumbled upon this one at the S.O.S. thrift store in Greenville.  (Have I mentioned that I'm a thrift store frequenter?) ;)  Anyway, the price tag said $75, and my bold husband convinced me to talk them down to $60, so we ended up with a HEAVY piano and a deep gouge in a section of our hardwood floors.  Does anyone know any DIY floor repair? ;)  Oh, and probably someone who can tune pianos?

1 comment:

  1. Love the piano!! :) And the rack-looks like you're having a productive summer! Will you text me your #-my contacts were deleted...we need to do lunch soon!! :)
