Thursday, January 29, 2015

Half a Year?!

Our little Quinn is now 6 months old!  Rob and I keep saying that it seems like yesterday when we were bouncing and bouncing and bouncing her to get her to finally go to sleep at night, and everyone was telling us that things would smooth out around 6 weeks.  We were thinking, "Really?!  Not sure we believe you!"  Here she is at half a year old and she's finally sleeping through the night!  It's amazing to see how much she's able to do now, and I'm sure every parent says that too but it really is fun to watch her interact and learn more.

At 6 months Quinn is...

  • 15 lbs. 6.5 oz. (36th %)
  • 26 inches long (55 %)
  • 65 % in head circumference
  • sitting up with support but not on her own yet
  • scooting on her tummy (especially toward her stacking cups)
  • loves to smile at Mama and Daddy
  • likes to bounce like riding a horse (something my dad used to do with us) and be tossed in the air
  • sleeping 10-11 hours at night
  • eating rice cereal and sweet potatoes so far
  • a sweet snuggler

Sunday, January 18, 2015

5 months

This post is way overdue but here goes...
Quinn at 5 months:
-loves to smile, especially in the mornings
-does well in nursery at church- likes to observe the other babies & doesn't want to miss a thing
-loves to "talk", especially to mama and daddy, and when she's on her changing table
-sleeps best on her tummy now
-is doing better about taking two long naps most days and will sleep 5-6 hours straight at night
-seems to be teething- grabbing more things to put in her mouth
-celebrated her first Christmas!

Monday, January 12, 2015


Christmas this year seemed like a whirlwind!  We celebrated with Quinn at home then toured the state to visit our families.  We wish we were able to spend more time with each family, but here are a few pictures from Quinn's first Christmas.



