Monday, September 15, 2014

What would you do with one free hour?

Our church recently restarted the fall semester of "Mentor Moms", but this is my first time being involved in it.  It was so refreshing to be able to get out of the house on a Tuesday morning and gather with other moms to eat an amazing breakfast and begin to get to know each other around our table.  We'll be going through the book The Envy of Eve this semester and so far I've only read the first chapter but I highly recommend it already!  The author uses Scripture to point out our struggle with discontentment and envy and the heart of the issue in not truly delighting in Christ most of all.  Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this study and to getting to know other young moms.  Last week my table's sweet mentor mom asked each of us to share a little about ourselves and to answer the question, "What would you do with one free hour?"  Never was this such an exciting question until becoming a mom!  I love Quinn very very much, but I also savor free time more now.  After Rob and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversary a couple of weeks ago (Labor Day actually), and were able to go out to the Peddler to eat, just the two of us, I knew that's what my response would free hour for Rob and I just to go out together.  I'm realizing how rare that will be but also that we can and should make it work.  By the way, after going out to eat, we just drove around town for at least thirty minutes, just because we's odd how refreshing that is after being cooped up in the house for a few days.
Of course when I've had free time by myself, especially when Quinn is napping, then I've been napping.  She's started to take longer afternoon naps so I've also been able to do a little more in the kitchen, which I've missed.  Rob's parents came into town this weekend so that Rob and his dad could go to the South Carolina/UGA game, and his mom stayed with me and Quinn.  Since Rob was gone (and he doesn't like tomatoes), I decided I'd try a "girly" recipe and it was a winner!  My sister-in-law, Lindsey, included it in the latest Bush-N-Vine email that she regularly sends out, and I conveniently had some Bush-N-Vine grape tomatoes on hand.  The pastry part of this recipe requires some time, but my mother-in-law, Marian, and I thought it was well worth the time.

Rob and I are so thankful for our family and how they love to spend time with Quinn so that we can have a few "free" minutes or hours!

We're just thankful for family...PERIOD!!