Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gospel reminders on Reformation Sunday

I was reminded in church today of the history of the church and the "five solas" on which believers took a stand during the Reformation and on which we're called to stand and to claim as our own today:
Sola Scriptura- Scripture Alone
Sola Christus- Christ Alone
Sola Gratia- Grace Alone
Sola Fide- Faith Alone
Soli Deo Gloria- The Glory of God Alone

Our responsive prayer of confession was a great reminder of how far I fall short:
"Leader: Holy God, our confession of faith reveals our sin,
People: for the words on our lips do not match the way we live.
Leader: We declare that scripture alone is our only rule for faith and life,
People: but we admit with sadness that we hardly touch our Bibles.
Leader: We declare that salvation is ours by faith alone,
People: but we are constantly tempted to trust in our own good works;
Leader: We declare salvation is ours by grace alone,
People: but we are foolishly inclined to feel in some small way, worthy.
Leader: We declare Christ alone as our Savior,
People: but we still cling to our sinful self-righteousness.
Leader: We declare that you alone are worthy to receive glory;
People: forgive us Lord, for we eagerly accept praise that belongs to You."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Latest project progress

We've been hanging a few things on the wall lately and trying to fill up the huge space above the couch in the living room.  Well, at least we got a start or as Rob says, "Pinterest finally attacked our wall above the couch".  We had seen large picture frames in stores similar to what we made, but they were too expensive for us and again Rob made the mistake of saying, "That would be so easy to make!"  He should know better than to say that now. ;)  The only thing I did was take the pictures from our honeymoon (our attempt at a panorama) to get them enlarged to 8x10's.  I cut some thick poster board to back each picture, and bought replacement glass at Hobby Lobby.  Rob did all the work of cutting 3 boards from a pallet and nailing them together.
Then we lined up the pictures the way we wanted them and Rob nailed in two small nails below each picture, and one on each side of the picture, to hold the glass in place.  We decided that the handle would add a nice touch and we had picked up a whole bag of old fixtures guessed it... a yard sale!  So here's the final product...unless we decide to add hinges to the top so it'll look more like an old door.